

PurOtic Winners Get Clean Ears

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

All Done, Tanner. Wasn't that Easy?!!!
My heart is all aflurry right now for my readers' dogs. There are clearly a lot of you with ear issues, based on the emails, comments and Tweets during our giveaway of PurOtic Ear Cleaner and Dryer. Thanks for your participation and for adding your thoughts to the conversation.

With so many stories out there about ear troubles, it feels good to have played a small part in easing the challenges of cleaning Fido's ears. Thank you to PurOtic for creating this silicone applicator that is oh-so-soft going into the ear canal. This creation truly eases the anxiety of most any dog that was previously frightened by the hard object inserted into his ear. No wonder, right?!!!

Our winners will be thrilled to receive a full size bottle of each product--the ear cleaner and ear dryer. These will be shipped to them via the PurOtic warehouse. Please join me in congratulating S. Dela Cruz, K. Volz, and M. Wright. I'll be in touch via Please watch your inbox and your Spam file for my message within 24 hours after the announcement. Congrats to you all!

For those of you who enjoyed the review but didn't win, please visit PurOtic solutions  for the best service. We recommend that you select the Extra Strength Ear Cleaner for your dog. According to the company's representative, the regular ear cleaner is better suited to cats, so please watch this detail carefully as you place your order. Best wishes to you and your dog for healthier ears, and remember--always end a healthcare or grooming session with some affection and a treat. 

Happy tails,

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This giveaway and the associated review of Innovet's PurOtic has been written completely from my own experience. I was not compensated to share my thoughts or to offer the giveaway of their products.

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