

Giving Thanks For All That Nourshes Your Soul

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

courtesy Lawrence OP via
The Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty
Thanksgiving is not only about food, despite what the advertisers would have you believe. For me, giving thanks for a bountiful life is more than the food on my table; I need more than food to complete me. Family, travel, good health, physical activity and the love of others are all a part of the complex nature of a healthy person.

My dogs, our doga practice, a healthy diet, and a thriving family life bring my world full circle. I'm taking a few days off to enjoy my whole family, here for the holiday weekend. As I do so, if you're here looking for some reading, I'll leave you with a few carefully chosen articles on holiday topics, to help you nourish your own Thanksgiving:

Finally, don't forget to visit the Fido's Freebie Friday giveaways that run 24/7/365. You'll find all sorts of great goodies there that are just waiting to be won by you!

Happy Thanksgiving,
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