

#SuperDogSunday: Active Minds and Bodies

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
 photo Half moon Oliver Stands.Nibbles_zpsycm4myjz.jpg
Doga Workout: Good for Us All!
Here at All Things Dog Blog we've got our own funky way of dealing with #SuperDogSunday. Many would say we're nuts, but the dogs and I enjoy our mental and physical activity in lots of fun ways--often with #doga--yoga with the dogs.

In order to share some of our silliness with you, hubs shots some pics of our adventure through two or three simple poses. Oliver did some great stretching, balancing and twirling, Tanner worked on his self restraint by leaving the treats alone, even when I placed them on the floor in front of his toes, and both boys practiced running in for the Doga session when I called "Come!". Football players do something similar at the opening of the Super Bowl, but they aren't so lucky as to be rewarded with Zuke's treats:

When the dogs and I are well worked out, we'll be ready for the big game and all that sitting. I'll admit I'm not one to jump up and cheer unless the Packers are playing, which sadly, they are not. They did come very close, but not close enough. Meanwhile, the dogs are all dressed out for the game and ready to run in and kick off some fun:

While we watch the game the dogs will likely be snoozing after their doga workout. Especially Oliver, whose balancing twirls can sometimes get a bit tiring. Tanner tires out more easily these days, pushing onward toward age 9 now. I like giving him treats that are good for his joints, since Retrievers are prone to hip displaysia. That's why one of his favorites is Hip Action with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. So far so good for this boy's hips. He continues to swim regularly and we keep his weight on the light side to assure there's no stress on those joints. Hip Hip Hurray for Zuke's Hip Action!

Watch for more doga fun, rewarded by Zuke's treats, coming soon. And don't forget to RSVP to join the party. We hope to see you all on Thursday evening at 8 PM ET, when we'll be handing out more than $750 in Zuke's treats. Be sure to bring your active pet pics to share. We love seeing your pups in action! In addition, you can enter our pre-game #giveaway here.

Here's to #SuperDogSunday,

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As a member of the Event Barkers team, I'm offering this Twitter Party information as a part of our work with Zuke's to share information about their products. You'll find these details and more on our partners' websites: and These events are open to US households and entrants age 18 and older.Void where prohibited.

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