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(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2009
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Scrolling through my archives the other day found me wondering how any new visitor to the blog would ever find my best posts. Tanner and I put on our thinking caps and came up with a brilliant idea:

This link will take you to a list of YOUR favorite posts. No, I'm not bluffing. My really geekie analytics program tells me which posts and what topics are most popular with my readers. If you'd like to explore some of our more oft-read articles, you need only click on the sub-heading just above this paragraph to find a list of these posts. Enjoy!

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Wiggle - Day 2,643

Lilly is still staying with us and has been coming to work with me, as she she goes to the office each day.  She doesn't do much work though and would prefer that we play ball games with her:

Wiggle has been enjoying some walks in the field, letting the other two do most of the running around but he's still happy to stop for a group photo:

Sadly, Wiggle rarely moves faster than a brisk walk but I like to think that he enjoys himself:

My happy boy:

Today was the first time we went along the old railway track, without Wiggle.  Lilly enjoyed her new surroundings:

And splashing around in the river with Sofy:

Sofy did proper swimming so was a very soggy dog:

Back at the gate, ready to head for home:

It used to be Wiggle up ahead, but today, it was Lilly:

Dressed in robes to dry off:

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Wiggle - Day 2,636

We've got another house-guest staying with us!  This time, it's Lilly from work who is staying for two weeks while her family are on holiday.

We had already planned to come to London this weekend so it just meant 5 Lab's instead of 4:

Wiggle has stayed home and had shorter walks while the others have been to Richmond Park for some big running:

And before long, they were heading for the water in the brook:

Lilly was having a fun time:

They were all having a good time in the water and on dry land:

Group photo (not quite the same, without Wiggle):

During our stay, a romance has been developing between Haggis and Lilly:

All 5:

Wiggle and 'his' girls:

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Wiggle - Day 2,629

It's that time of year again when we start counting down to one of our favourite days of the year - the LRSE&C Dogs Party.

Once again, the party will be at the Dogs Trust, Harefield, Uxbridge and this year there will be a Companion Dog Show too.

It's a great day for all dogs (and their humans!) and raises much needed funds for the charity who do so much to support dogs just like Wiggle.

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Wiggle - Day 2,622

In all the time that I've had Wiggle and Sofy, they've always gone for walks together but yesterday, for the first time, I took them separately.  All 3 of us went for a short walk which was as much as Wiggle could manage so we brought him home and Sofy and I went back out.

Sofy enjoyed herself, walking to the field to run around but for me, it was a horribly strange feeling having an empty right hand, but sadly I have to accept that as much as I would like him to come on long walks, Wiggle just can't go so far anymore.

Today thought, we drove up to Maud Heath so Wiggle could go straight from the car into the fields:

Sofy was going at a faster pace than Wiggle:

Wiggle takes things slower:

Sometimes you've just got to stop and take in the view:

Words cannot express how much I love this boy:

Some things don't change - like wanting to walk on ahead:

Meanwhile, Sofy was still zooming around:

A view I will never tire of seeing - Wiggle and Sofy enjoying themselves!

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