

Wiggle - Day 2,643

Lilly is still staying with us and has been coming to work with me, as she she goes to the office each day.  She doesn't do much work though and would prefer that we play ball games with her:

Wiggle has been enjoying some walks in the field, letting the other two do most of the running around but he's still happy to stop for a group photo:

Sadly, Wiggle rarely moves faster than a brisk walk but I like to think that he enjoys himself:

My happy boy:

Today was the first time we went along the old railway track, without Wiggle.  Lilly enjoyed her new surroundings:

And splashing around in the river with Sofy:

Sofy did proper swimming so was a very soggy dog:

Back at the gate, ready to head for home:

It used to be Wiggle up ahead, but today, it was Lilly:

Dressed in robes to dry off:

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