

Wiggle - Day 2,833

Poor Wiggle hasn't had the best week.  After having such a lovely day on Sunday he didn't want his breakfast on Monday and had been poorly by the time I got home from work.  He walked away from his dinner and just looked sad.

He didn't want much to eat but did manage a jar of organic baby food for dinner and breakfast the next day and knowing how much he loves his swimming, I took him in the hope it would cheer him up.  Although Wiggle was excited to be there, he just wasn't enjoying himself and only swam a few lengths and then just stood in the water.

On the way home I got Wiggle some tinned dog food and now he has decided that he much prefers that to kibble and so long as he is eating, I will give him whatever he will eat.

Thankfully, over the last few days Wiggle has picked up and is feeling a lot better, back to being cuddly and nudging me for more fuss if I stop.  He's getting plenty of rest and as much love as I can give him.

Needless to say, it's been an emotional week for me, worrying so much about Wiggle and the dreaded thoughts of losing him crossing my mind.  I've gone through the heartbreak of losing a dog plenty of times before, first with Guinness, then Poppy, Bumpy, Dolly and Sir H and as special and loved as each of them were, Wiggle is super special and this week he showed me he's not ready to leave me yet. 

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