

Power Treating: Long Dog Hikes

 Carrie Boyko, CEB

Ready to Head to Linville Falls
Can you see Oliver?
In this photo, we're just getting ready to start the hike to Linville Falls, where you'll find stunning views at several levels of both the falls and the river as it gorges through the turns in the rocks. Breathtaking, and not at all accommodating of photography. There's just no way to capture the whole experience when it is 360 degrees around you. Don't miss this spectacular hike along the Blue Ridge Parkway, and be sure to take your dog. You'll find more tips at the link.

Before you head out, be sure you're properly prepared: water, a power snack for both you and Fido, first aid kit, leash, and comfortable shoes or paw pads, depending on your species.

We visited in mid-September and clearly the rains had been good. There were areas where mud was unavoidable, but Oliver was a trooper and came home with the muddy paws to prove it. But I digress....

We chose ORGANIX Jerky Chip Cookies with 12% protein and organic ingredients to power Oliver's energy level for this demanding hike. Park rangers rate hiking difficulty to aid trail blazers in their choices. The hike to the Falls is rated "Difficult" and I can vouch for that. I had to stop a couple of times and catch my breath when we were heading up steps that were literally made of tree roots and rocks, covered with mud and puddles. Oliver, on the other hand, seemed to power along like the Eveready robot. I guess that ORGANIX cookie he scarfed down before we left did its job!

Looking Down on One Side of Linville
After a water break, another healthy snack, and a a photo session at the top levels, we all headed back down, finding that gravity made the descent a bit easier. We all felt better when we powered back up.

Watch for more helpful tips on your hiking adventures with fido, coming soon. Meanwhile, be sure to head on over to PetSmart to grab some Jerky Chip Cookies for your dog's power hikes.

Happy tails,

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The All Things Dog Blog dogs eat ORGANIX, which is why we're super excited to share their banner ad on our site. Tanner wants you to know that his favorite Jerky Chip Cookie flavor is Chicken, but Castor and Pollux has several flavors available for your discriminating pooch. All opinions you find here are completely our own. 

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