

Dog First Aid on the Go

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Mom! Low Hanging Branches Ahead
While hiking on our Blue Ridge Parkway adventure, we had a couple of close calls with injuries and wounds. It was a great time to have the Kurgo First Aid Kit along. We didn't have any catastrophic injuries, but a tick and a smashed digit meant we got to make use of the ice pack and the tweezers, two very important items that are each included in the kit. We were glad that the kit was small and equipped with Velcro straps to attach to a belt (or backpack) for quick access. Otherwise, I may have left it behind. Great move, Kurgo!

When hiking on gravel that seemed rough for Oliver's dainty white paw pads, I picked him up until we passed these areas. I wasn't looking to make use of wound cleaner or anticeptic ointment. Thankfully Oliver is only a 10-pounder. Tanner, who had a 2-week sleepover with his girl at grad school, wouldn't have gotten that same treatment. Maybe booties could have been an option, but otherwise, he would have found it easier to off-trail his walk to get around painful gravel. He's lucky to be the big guy with tougher skin on his paw pads. Either way, we were prepared to treat any cuts, scrapes or insect bites and keep them clean until we could get any additional medical treatment needed. That's what a first aid kit is for--diminishing the need for more serious care.
courtesy Kurgo

The Kurgo first aid kit includes loads of first responder supplies to help clean up wounds, keep them covered, 
and check for problems. You'll even find scissors in this handy pack, so you can cut the bandages or trim away fur that could potentially cause infection in a cut. And the folks at Kurgo have truly thought of everything; you can buy a first aid kit refill here. 

While you're at it, think about picking up an extra to leave in your car for those times when you're on four wheels. This nifty fold up kit fits snugly into your glove compartment for on-the-go pet first aid. What's more, if you're like us and have plunged into traveling with your pets via RV or travel trailer, you'll most certainly want to equip yourselves for any injury that could happen while you're camping or off the beaten path. 

Watch Out for Allergies Too
I would recommend you ask your vet for a list of proactive or preventive meds that you should add to the first aid kit, just in case. We added Benedryl to use if we encountered any bug bites and ended up using it when we encountered Goldenrod--a common allergen--in bloom. It's quite beautiful but also elicits a horrible response in those who are allergic to it. 

What's more, fields of flowers such as Goldenrod attract bees, another way in which you and Fido could get bitten and require both Benedryl and the first aid kit for treatment. That said, enjoy this Goldenrod in the photo and steer clear of the real stuff. It's safer!

Another important inclusion for the safety of you and others while treating your injured or sick dog is a muzzle or similar creation. Using rolled gauze, you can wrap your dogs snout shut if he is extremely fearful and lashing out. This will assure that his caregivers are safe from bites that are fear-based, occuring while your dog is frightened and in pain. Taking this step also makes the treatment easier since you're not fighting to keep from being bitten by your dog when he's terrified from the experience. You can now focus on other matters. Keep your voice as calm as possible and speak reassuringly without coddling your dog.
Taking a Short Break on the Hike

If your dog is seriously injured, an emergency blanket is also included to help keep him warm while you transport him to get help. Impressive? You bet!

Let me tell you a little-known but very important tip: The Blue Ridge Parkway, along with many other remote natural areas, has no cell service. So, when Fido gets hurt, guess who gets to play nurse and doctor? You! So, be prepared to be a first responder, while moving quickly to get to the nearest veterinarian's office, if needed. #ProactivePetParent

As usual with my product reviews, I'll be opening a giveaway for Kurgo's First Aid Kit soon. Watch for this event if you'd like to enter to get prepared for your potential job as a first responder. If not, feel free to visit the website listed above to order a kit right now.

Want to know more? You can hob knob with the social media folks at Kurgo via these sites to learn everything you ever wanted to know about Kurgo: 

Safe Travels,

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A Kurgo First Aid Kit was provided to us for review and trial. The comments above are completely my own observations. I was not paid to provide this review or the giveaway that will follow.

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