

Sofy's Busy Weekend

Since she has been an only dog, Sofy has been playing with her toys more.  It makes me happy to see her being daft again as she gave up toys when Wiggle got too old for them.

So it meant Sofy was especially excited when our lovely friend Sue sent a parcel to Sofy which contained a fabbie new toy!

We went away at the weekend to visit our good friends Sarah and Phil up in Derbyshire.  Sofy had visited before with Wiggle and met Mac the Trailhound and Ruby the Springer Spaniel so she was happy to be reunited with her new friends.  She also likes their 4 horses so was happily wandering around in their paddock - the horses are all used to dogs so didn't take much notice.

Once the reunion was over we took the dogs for a walk in the nearby forest and when we came across a pond, Sofy and Ruby decided to get in:

While Ruby swam, Sofy pretended to be a swamp monster:

Sofy's first weekend away without Wiggle was going well until she came face to face with Roo the Bengal Cat:

Roo is the most confident cat which confused Sofy as all other cats she has met want to run away but he stood his ground and followed her around: 

Deciding that he was boss in his home, Roo sat on me which Sofy found most distressing so she took herself off to bed and wouldn't look at me and the cat.  She thought that if she couldn't see him, he didn't exist:

By the morning, Sofy had a plan - she would camouflage herself by laying on the rug and hope that Roo would leave her alone:

Back home again and today was a lovely, sunny day so after running some errands, we made the most of the autumn sunshine with a walk in the fields across the road:

Sofy was a Very Good Girl and I like to think that she learnt how to be a good house guest from Wiggle...

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Welsh P(e)ony

ABOVE, full painting, BELOW, detail: "Welsh P(e)ony," an original piece from the Florus Animalum P(e)ony series, 24" x 36", acrylics on panel, $899 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

There is so much lush color and intricate marks in this one - I wish you could stand in front of her with me to fully experience it. Please scroll below for a detail.

This will be absolutely fabulous in a child's room, don't you think?

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The Struggle is Real

"The Struggle is Real," 16" x 16" x 2", acrylics on panel, $999 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

The newest from my series of selfies, this one pretty much sums up how sickened I am by the current state of affairs inside our political scene. I'm sure you can relate, regardless of party affiliations.

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Mum Study

"Mum Study," 11" x 14", acrylics on panel, $99 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

More sketching going on today, playing with some new ideas, painting from life, and dancing at the easel.

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One day at a time...

We miss Wiggle so much.  Every single day, we miss him.  He was such a big part of our lives and even though he had been less active in his old age, home seems so empty without him.

Even in his old age, Wiggle was a character.  He would follow me to the kitchen and look at me with a quizzical expression, hoping for a snack.  I would sneak him a biscuit while Sofy wasn't looking.  When we went for our little walks, he would go where he wanted, even if he needed to pull me.  When he decided he didn't want to eat from his food bowl I would feed him by hand, which he approved of.  

It will get easier, I know, but at the moment it's still very strange to not have Wiggle here.  His ashes are home and I thought that would bring some peace but sadly, not yet.  I know without any doubt that it was the right time to let him go but knowing that doesn't lessen the sadness.

Meanwhile, Sofy is being a Very Good Girl and I guess it's an adjustment for both of us.  I watch her on the camera from work and she sleeps in the armchair or on the rug if there's a sunpuddle.

Since she's been on her own, Sofy plays with toys again, something she hadn't done for a while.  In Wiggle's latter months, he lost interest in toys and Sofy did too but now she makes me smile by whapping a toy or pushing one at me so I'll play tuggy with her.

While our autumnal weather has been good, we've been getting out, going across the fields nearby and up to the Downs, trying to think of the many happy memories of Wiggle being with us on our walks.  

I know that in time the happy memories will take away the sadness, but for now, we just take each day one day at a time.

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"Ewok," 10" x 12", acrylics on panel, $219 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

I spent most of today sketching and working out some new ideas. I've found a rental space that will allow me to go bigger than I ever have before.......

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Endangered (Snow Leopard)

"Endangered (Snow Leopard)," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, $699 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

This painting came about due to the challenge this week on DailyPaintworks - to paint a cat. I wanted to keep this piece in the same vein as the polar bear and snowshoe hare from last week, so decided on a big cat. Snow leopards are endangered, which inspired me to take advantage of the drooping tulips from last week's pieces. And I added dried roses, daisies, heather and alyssum to the mix.

Perhaps it was today's gray weather that encouraged me to bring more color into this piece, too.

Now let's find her a home - feel free to share and pass this one along!

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Wolf Study

"Wolf Study," 8" x 8", acrylics on panel, $199 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

Working with beautiful, harmonic color today, familiarizing myself with wolves and prepping for a library class I'm teaching tomorrow and Saturday. I'll lead packs of kids in making our own covers to the classic book Call of the Wild.

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"Snowshoe," from the Florus Animalum series, a companion piece to last week's "Snowdrop," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, depicting a snowshoe hare and a crown of similarly colored florals. A commentary on global warming. And a beautiful example of white not being white.

Another piece that just can't be fully appreciated on the computer screen - it will delight the lucky collector who speaks up first. "Snowshoe" is $699 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

And yes, I can give preferential pricing to the collector who wants both Snowshoe and Snowdrop. Payment plans welcome.

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"Snowdrop," from the Florus Animalum series, 48" x 48", acrylics on panel, depicting a polar bear crowned with spring flowers. This piece truly has to be experienced in person to fully appreciate all the subtleties of color and design. Snowdrop is $4599 plus s&h. Inquiries may come to me.

Each of the flowers and berries in this painting were specifically chosen to tell a story about environmental change. And if you choose to not believe that global warming is happening, you have my blessing to simply enjoy Snowdrop at face value.

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One week on

Needless to say, a week on from saying goodbye I am still thinking about Wiggle all of the time.  He was such a huge part of my life that it doesn't surprise me how much of my mind space he occupies.  I miss him so much, it physically hurts.

The response to losing Wiggle has been overwhelming.  I knew he was special but the lovely messages, cards and flowers have meant so much and I want to thank everyone for their kindness and support at this terribly sad time.  To know that Wiggle touched so many people's hearts makes me very proud to have been his human.

Sofy seems to be doing ok on her own although I'm not sure she fully understands but maybe she does.  I'm so glad she is still her for me to hug when I cry and to be my companion.

Wiggle's tag from his collar is now on my key ring with the others from my past Labbie companions.  He gets to travel everywhere with me now.  

I didn't look for Wiggle - he came to me when he needed me most and whilst I'm not looking for another Labrador, I will foster again in the future.  

For now, I shall enjoy my Silly Sofy:

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"Celestrial," 24" x 48", from the Florus Animalum series of paintings, acrylics on panel, depicting a giraffe with a cloud of flowers - ironically, all blooming types of ground cover. This one is $1499 plus s&h. Payment plans available. Inquiries may come to me.

Another adrenaline fueled painting spree - when an idea hits me, I gotta run with it. I gotta!!

Speaking of which, I have a giant panel started and a wide open evening.....

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"Rhin-unculus," 48" x 48", from the Florus Animalum series of paintings, acrylics on panel, depicting a rhino momma and her baby saurus. And a mass of ranunculus. This happy family is $4599 plus s&h. Payment plans available. Inquiries may come to me.

Thinking about the circle of life, endangered species, and nurturing today.

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"Poppy," 36" x 48", from the Flores Animalum series of paintings, acrylics on panel, depicting a larger than life sized golden retriever crowned with a halo of bobbing poppies. Poppy is $3599 plus s&h. Payment plans available. Inquiries may come to me.

The flowers represent the generous love and acceptance dogs give so freely. We could learn a lot from them.

I started this painting last spring, then got too scared to finish it (yes, that happens to me too! far more often than I'd like to admit). It wasn't until yesterday morning, when I was actively avoiding cleaning off my desk, that she made it back onto my easel. And it's been a painting marathon ever since.

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Wiggle - Day 3,044. The Last Day

Yesterday was the saddest day of my life.  The day I said my final goodbye to Wiggle.

After having celebrated his birthday last week, Wiggle's health and well being declined so quickly it came as a shock to me.  Thursday and Friday he only managed short walks and wasn't very hungry, only eating a few chunks of his tinned meat.

On Saturday I made him some pancakes with maple syrup but he didn't want them although he had always enjoyed pancakes before.  

I helped him up a few times and we tried to go for a walk but Wiggle only went to the end of the street and back.  By then, I was fearing the worst and my heart was breaking but I knew I had to do what was right for him.

On Sunday I called the vets and made an appointment for Monday afternoon.  I got Wiggle into the car and took him to my parents to say goodbye.  Still not wanting to eat much, I got Wiggle lots of tasty snacks to see if he could be tempted to eat and he did manage some ham and smoked salmon.

By Monday, Wiggle wasn't able to get up by himself at all.  I'd been sleeping downstairs with him since Friday and he had been trying to get up in the night so I helped him get to his puppy pads as he didn't want to go outside.  We didn't sleep much and after it had gotten light and Sofy had eaten her breakfast, I helped him outside but even that wore him out.

I knew it was the right time to let him go.  My handsome, special, loyal, clever Wiggle was too tired to carry on, even for me.  I put his harness on to be able to help him on his feet and he spent some time in the garden, sniffing the air.

Then it was time to leave.  Sofy said goodbye, licking his face and watching him as I got Wiggle in the car.  We stopped at Maud Heath on the way, Wiggle laying in the car feeling the warmth of the sun on his soft fur for one last time.  I hugged him and cried and told him how special he is and how much love I would always feel for him.

Once at the vets, Malcolm agreed it was the right decision and helped me get Wiggle up on the table.  Wiggle didn't struggle, just lay with me holding him, crying into his fur, stroking him and telling him how much I loved him.  His passing was peaceful; it was the right time.  

Now my heart is breaking for the loss of my one in a million boy.  He arrived in such a neglected condition and despite not being loved, he was ready to give love.  We had so many wonderful adventures and he was a great ambassador for Labrador Rescue South East & Central.

But he's gone, free from pain.  The pain left now is mine but in time the happy memories will take over.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Wiggle, chatted with him on Twitter and shared his life with us.  

Wiggle, 28.09.2002 - 03.10.2016

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FINISHED! "Mari(gold)," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, depicting a golden retriever puppy sprouting a crown of marigolds - the flowers represent the years of beauty and joy a puppy brings to one's life, as well as the fragility of our time with each other. Mari's portrait is $699 plus s&h. Inquiries may come to me.

I would be remiss if I didn't properly thank Team Husar Photography for my photo reference. Knowing her love of goldens, I shared my concept of a Marigold Golden Retriever. She responded with a couple photos, of which Mari was based upon.

I have the best, most supportive team behind me!

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