

Sofy's Busy Weekend

Since she has been an only dog, Sofy has been playing with her toys more.  It makes me happy to see her being daft again as she gave up toys when Wiggle got too old for them.

So it meant Sofy was especially excited when our lovely friend Sue sent a parcel to Sofy which contained a fabbie new toy!

We went away at the weekend to visit our good friends Sarah and Phil up in Derbyshire.  Sofy had visited before with Wiggle and met Mac the Trailhound and Ruby the Springer Spaniel so she was happy to be reunited with her new friends.  She also likes their 4 horses so was happily wandering around in their paddock - the horses are all used to dogs so didn't take much notice.

Once the reunion was over we took the dogs for a walk in the nearby forest and when we came across a pond, Sofy and Ruby decided to get in:

While Ruby swam, Sofy pretended to be a swamp monster:

Sofy's first weekend away without Wiggle was going well until she came face to face with Roo the Bengal Cat:

Roo is the most confident cat which confused Sofy as all other cats she has met want to run away but he stood his ground and followed her around: 

Deciding that he was boss in his home, Roo sat on me which Sofy found most distressing so she took herself off to bed and wouldn't look at me and the cat.  She thought that if she couldn't see him, he didn't exist:

By the morning, Sofy had a plan - she would camouflage herself by laying on the rug and hope that Roo would leave her alone:

Back home again and today was a lovely, sunny day so after running some errands, we made the most of the autumn sunshine with a walk in the fields across the road:

Sofy was a Very Good Girl and I like to think that she learnt how to be a good house guest from Wiggle...

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