

Endangered (Snow Leopard)

"Endangered (Snow Leopard)," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, $699 + s&h to the first asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me.

This painting came about due to the challenge this week on DailyPaintworks - to paint a cat. I wanted to keep this piece in the same vein as the polar bear and snowshoe hare from last week, so decided on a big cat. Snow leopards are endangered, which inspired me to take advantage of the drooping tulips from last week's pieces. And I added dried roses, daisies, heather and alyssum to the mix.

Perhaps it was today's gray weather that encouraged me to bring more color into this piece, too.

Now let's find her a home - feel free to share and pass this one along!

Thanks for following along with my artwork,

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