

Alcott Adventures for Dogs

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Shade Canopy Provides
Cooler Napping Spot at Campsites
As the All Things Dog clan ramps up to do more camping in the cooler weather, our Summer adventures here in Florida require one of two things--water or shade. When our friends at Alcott Adventures asked Oliver to review a couple of their products he was all over it like the very cool dog that he is. We're looking forward to using this shade canopy at campsites everywhere we go, whether or not it's hot. After all, like any boy from the South, Oliver likes a little breather from the bright sunshine.

The left and right sides of the shade canopy zip open to allow for more air flow, as well as to keep the canopy from taking flight when there is no inhabitant.  Imagine that! We do recommend that you place a moderately heavy object (a good quality dog bed would work well) inside the canopy when it is not occupied by Fido, just to assure the winds don't whisk it away.

Weighing almost nothing, this adorable canopy comes in a carrying case that easily will sling over your shoulder for a hike to the beach or the lake. Set up is quick and painless and the reverse is a simple reversal in procedure. Clearly, Oliver decided this was the place to be!
Oliver's New Favorite Bed for Cozy Naptime
For indoor napping, we selected a nice bolster bed that's like nothing Oliver owns. It's quite thick with a place for him to prop his head up that goes all the way around. Oliver checked it out thoroughly, and after approving it, he snuggled in for a little test. It wasn't' long before he was deep in a snooze, obviously dreaming of treats and #doga fun as his toes wiggled and there was an occasional yip. 

Alcott allowed us to order these products ourselves to test out their system. It was smooth and easy, no glitches. I spend enough time on the computer that I have a pet peeve when I encounter a not so user-friendly website. Kudos to the web developers at Alcott.

We also took a look around at the other Alcott options. They have a lot of great stuff for your getaways. Alcott offers dogs and their owners a complete line of gear and accessories to turn everyday walks into extraordinary adventures. We especially love how Alcott reinvented sizes for dogs to make it easy on their humans. Generally speaking, if you buy a medium collar, you’ll also use a medium in all the other Alcott products. And finally, you can shop Alcott online in two ways: either by category or by adventure 

Online you'll find four categories to peruse: essentials, explorer, traveler and mariner. Doesn't that conjure up ideas for some fun adventures? We think so! 

Want to learn more? Check out Alcott's other social media sites, as well as their website:
Finally, as our reviews generally conclude with a giveaway, watch for more exciting news coming soon.

Happy adventures,

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Our Alcott experience that is reviewed here was not compensated; however we did receive the products free as our method of evaluating them. Opinions are completely my own.

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