

Wiggle - Day 2,245

Wiggle's blog has been quiet this week, mostly because I've been busy with work stuff and there hasn't been much to report.

After having some rest time with lead walks only, Wiggle and Sofy were happy to get up to the Downs this morning, even though the heavens opened just as we were leaving.

Rain didn't deter Wiggle from searching out interesting smells:

Sofy was more active:

Wiggle was happy, with his ball:

When Wiggle dropped the ball, Sofy stole it, but then brought it back:

Wiggle: "I want my ball back!":

Even in the horizontal rain, Wiggle and Sofy were having fun:

Wiggle had BIG ears while running:

Smiley Sofy:

Wiggle, plodding on, even in the rain:

And after going in the different direction, running to catch us up:

As we headed for the car, the rain stopped:

And there was even some blue sky!

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