

ORGANIX Winners Get Bonus Bowls

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

ORGANIX and More....
This latest promotion of our dogs' favorite chow has really brought out some newbies, along with our long time readers who are always a pleasure to have paying us a visit. It's been fun watching the chatter on various social media. With new bowls up for grabs along with a 25 lb. bag to each winner, you guys have really shown off your enthusiasm. Thanks and please remember that both Castor and Pollux and yours truly love to see "after" photos!

I have to clear up one important matter. One curious and concerned reader wrote to ask if I was really putting Oliver on a diet--LOL!  Good heavens! Under all that fluff he weighs in at 10 lbs. I think he's good! 

What I do plan to do is check the weights of each of our winners to assure we don't give a Chihuahua-sized bowl to a Great Dane winner, or vice versa. You get the idea. Our winners will receive a specialty bowl--or in some cases a pair of them--properly suited to their dog's size. 

More importantly, however, these lucky pups will get to enjoy the transition to an organic food, made by the manufacturer's own company from quality ingredients without toxins or artificial tagalongs that we find in other foods. Oh happy day!

We'd like to help you make this transition completely so that you'll discover the emerging benefits of this nutritious diet in the coat, behavior and health of your pup. Believe me, it's worth the time and effort to find out what you've been missing. Take the challenge and transition completely to the new food, noting changes in your dog as you go along. Be sure to let us know how it goes.

Drum roll please....our winners are: Bryn N., Jackie dogmoma, J. Diehl, and L. Glickman. I'll be in touch via Watch your inbox and your spam file or feel free to write to me. I'll need your dog's weight and your full name and shipping address.

Happy tails,

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As my primary advertiser, Castor and Pollux Pet compensates me for the ad you see at the top of my posts column. As their biggest fan, I serve their food to my dogs and recommend it whole heartedly. This giveaway was written entirely by me and contains only my own opinions.

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