

Namaste, In Process

In Process" "Namaste," a self portrait from my Dryad series of paintings, 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, not for sale (this one is heading to an exhibition). However, inquiries may come to me.

I think creatives are, by nature, highly sensitive. It's that ability to read body language, hear unspoken words, and be attuned to attitudes and emotions. We need this in order to translate the human experience into our medium. 
However, there are times when this extra sense is not such a blessing. The election is fully testing my capacity for grace. My hormonal teenager had final exams this week. Add in a puppy who chews pretty much everything (including a computer charging cable and a disposable razor he somehow got off a very tall shelf in the bathroom?!) and a surplus of Halloween candy (lots of sugar highs. and lows). And that pretty much sums up my week.

An incredible yoga practice this morning flushed my brain entirely of the bad jujus. I came into the studio wanting to channel the peace and calm strength I unearthed. I think I succeeded. At least so far.....

The light in me bows to the light in you. 

Thanks for following along with my artwork,

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